Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Frelichen Purim!

After all the meshuga'as a few weeks ago, it's nice to see some who can find something to smile about. Enjoy!


nobody said...

I still don't get how "gray" is supposed to somehow indicate yeshivish. Shades, any insight?

Happy Medium said...

I think it needs to be read in context, i.e., as opposed to "Modern Orthodox," whatever that means... (see "Bitsu Modernish?" in the Kol Hamishtakker, p. 17-20. Or, stay tuned...)

Happy Medium said...

(Typo - "Bistu Modernish?" is the name of the article. I don't do Yiddish...)

nobody said...

"Stay tuned"?

Ditto on the yiddish.

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